KidsInTheHouse the Ultimate Parenting Resource
Kids in the House Tour
Dr. Ed Buchanan, a pediatric plastic surgeon, explains what parents need to know about their child's cleft palate or cleft lip, and how to get the best treatment
Dr. Ed Buchanan, a pediatric plastic surgeon, gives advice about preparing children for surgery and alleviating their fears
Watch John Piacentini, PhD, ABPP's video on What happens when you don't treat Trichotillomania...
Stuart E. Siegel, MD Director, Children's Hospital Los Angeles shares advice for parents with a child diagnosed with cancer on how to best support them when there is no... read more
Stuart E. Siegel, MD, explains the number of different factors that now make the type of treatment for cancer a complex decision
Stuart E. Siegel, MD, shares advice for parents with a child with pediatric cancer and explains how pediatric cancer is typically diagnosed
Tanya Altmann, MD Pediatrician & Author, shares advice for parents on how to recognize the signs of anemia in your child and the best methods for treating it
ADD, ADHD, Parenting tips, parenting advice, child, parent, parenting, parents, kids, children, family, teaching parents, teaching kids, parenting videos, parenting styles, parenting classes, attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (disease or medical condition), environmental, cause
Top Expert Videos on ADD & ADHD Diagnoses of attention deficit disorder are at an all-time high, and while the exact cause for each case may
Dr. Ed Buchanan, a pediatric plastic surgeon, discusses craniosynostosis - a condition when the baby's head is shaped abnormally
Dr. Ed Buchanan, a pediatric plastic surgeon, explains ear-pinning (or ear-tucking) surgery for children
Dr. Ed Buchanan, a pediatric plastic surgeon, informs parents of what they need to know before a child's surgery
Lori Getz, MA, shares advice from her personal journey of testing positive for BRCA1 or BRCA2 on how someone who has just tested positive can best overcome the challenges
Watch Lori Getz, M.A.'s video on What to do when your friends aren't understanding about prophylactic breast cancer surgery...
Lori Getz, MA, shares advice for parents on how to best explain to your young children that one of their parents is being tested for cancer
Lori Getz, MA Technology Expert, shares advice on the important factors to consider when searching for a genetic counselor
Lori Getz, MA, shares advice from her personal experience of what women should expect after undergoing prophylactic surgery
Lori Getz, shares advice on when to test for BRCA1 or BRCA2 and why it is important to have your family tested for genetic mutations
Lori Getz, MA, shares advice from her experience on what the odds of getting breast and/or ovarian cancer with a BRCA mutation
Lori Getz shares advice for women on the important things to consider before deciding to have prophylactic surgery in order to help reduce the risk of cancer
Watch John Piacentini, PhD, ABPP's video on Why people develop Trichotillomania or hair pulling...
Learn about: Understanding Tourette's in children from John Piacentini, PhD, ABPP,...
View John Piacentini, PhD, ABPP's video on How to treat focused pulling in children with Trichotillomania...
Watch Video: Understanding Trichotillomania by John Piacentini, PhD, ABPP, ...
Watch John Piacentini, PhD, ABPP's video on Protocols for treating Trichotillomania...
Watch John Piacentini, PhD, ABPP's video on How to treat automatic pulling in children with Trichotillomania...
See John Piacentini, PhD, ABPP's video on Trichotillomania vs. OCD...
See Jane Tavyev Asher, MD's video on What to expect for an MRI and an EEG exam...
View Jane Tavyev Asher, MD's video on When to see a pediatrician vs a child neurologist...
View Jane Tavyev Asher, MD's video on Disorder vs. disability...
Child Neurologist Jane Tavyev Asher, MD, shares advice for parents on what to expect when taking your child to a neurological exam in order to help parents and their... read more
Learn about: How cancer affects daily life & routine from Stuart E. Siegel, MD,...
Stuart E. Siegel, MD Director, Children's Center For Cancer & Blood Disease, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, explains what the most common childhood cancers are
Watch Stuart E. Siegel, MD's video on Childhood cancer today vs. a generation ago ...
Stuart Siegel, MD, Director Children's Hospital Los Angeles, shares advice for parents on giving your child the truth when telling them about survival rates and their... read more
Stuart E. Siegel, MD Director, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, shares advice for parents on how siblings can be affected when a child is diagnosed with cancer
Learn about: How will having pediatric cancer affect my child's future from Stuart E. Siegel, MD,...
Watch Stuart E. Siegel, MD's video on How has pediatric cancer treatment changed based on survivorship...
Watch Stuart E. Siegel, MD's video on Pediatric cancer remission and check-ups...
Stuart E. Siegel, MD Director, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, shares advice for parents on what their family can expect at their child's first oncology appointment
View Stuart E. Siegel, MD's video on Signs and symptoms of pediatric cancer...
See Stuart E. Siegel, MD's video on Balancing your own research with your doctor's advice...
Watch Video: Can childhood cancers be prevented? by Stuart E. Siegel, MD, ...
Sutart Siegel, MD Director, Children's Center for Cancer... read more
Sutart Siegel, MD Director, Children's Center for Cancer... read more
Watch Stuart E. Siegel, MD's video on Pros and cons of clinical trials for children...
Watch Stuart E. Siegel, MD's video on Living in fear of my child's cancer returning...
See Stuart E. Siegel, MD's video on Side effects of chemotherapy in children...
Learn about: Side effects of radiation in children from Stuart E. Siegel, MD,...
See Stuart E. Siegel, MD's video on Getting a second medical opinion...
Watch Video: Your child's first appointment after diagnosis by Stuart E. Siegel, MD, ...
Watch Stuart E. Siegel, MD's video on What does cancer remission mean...
See Stuart E. Siegel, MD's video on Statistics on pediatric cancer survival rates...
Watch Video: Statistics for pediatric cancer for ages 15-21 by Stuart E. Siegel, MD, ...
Watch Video: Statistics on childhood cancer by Stuart E. Siegel, MD, ...
Learn about: Are siblings at higher risk for cancer? from Stuart E. Siegel, MD,...
Learn about: Parenting a child with AIDS and/or HIV from Tanya Altmann, MD, FAAP,...
Pediatrician Tanya Altmann, MD, FAAP, shares advice for parents on the benefits of keeping a health diary for your child in order to record any symptoms and medications... read more
See Tanya Altmann, MD, FAAP's video on Signs of scoliosis and how to treat it...
Kathryn Elison, MSW Clinical Social Worker, shares advice for parents with a hospitalized child on how important and beneficial it is for them to remember to take care... read more
Kathryn Elison, MSW, shares the benefits of blogging during a family crisis and how it can help to express and process your emotions
Kathryn Elison, MSW Clinical Social WOrker, shares advice for parents with a hospitalized child on the best way to balance your family's life during the difficult period
Kathryn Elison, MSW Cilinical Social Worker, shares advice for parents with a hospitalized child on who can help care for your child when you can't be present
Kathryn Elison, MSW Clinical Social Worker, explains how waiting can be one of the most difficult things when your child is hospitalized and shares advice on how to... read more
Kathryn Elison, MSW Clinical Social Worker, shares advice for parents with a terminally ill child on the best way to discuss death with them and comfort them
Kathryn Elison, MSW Clinical Social Worker, shares advice for parents with a hospitalized child on the best way to discuss the child's illness with him or her
Kathryn Elison, MSW Clinical Social Worker, shares advice for parents with a hospitalized child on how to be mindful of your child when allowing visitors to see him or... read more
Kathryn Elison, MSW Clinical Social Worker, shares advice for parents with a hospitalized child on how to be the best advocate possible for your child when they are sick
Clinical Social Worker Kathryn Elison, MSW, shares advice for parents with a hospitalized child on the difficult task of how to discipline and parent your child who is... read more
Clinical Social Worker Kathryn Elison, MSW, shares advice for parents with a hospitalized child on how to speak up and communicate better with your child's doctor
Clinical Social Worker Kathryn Elison, MSW, shares advice for parents with a hospitalized child on get through the challenges of having a child in the hospital
Clinical Social Worker Kathryn Elison, MSW, shares advice for parents with a hospitalized child on what to do to make your child's hospital room more comfortable for them
Clinical Social Worker Kathryn Elison, MSW, shares advice for parents with a hospitalized child on how to help alleviate your child's loneliness and boredom in the... read more
Kathryn Elison, MSW Clinical Social Worker, shares advice for parents with a hospitalized child on how the hospital staff can be a parent's best ally
Clinical Social Worker Kathryn Elison, MSW, shares advice for parents with a hospitalized child on the best way to talk with them about it
Clinical Social Worker Kathryn Elison, MSW, shares advice for parents with a hospitalized on additional support services to help their family and sick child
Pediatrician Jamie Wood, MD Clinical Diabestes, shares advice for parents on how to tell when your child with diabetes is ready to do blood sugar checks and injections... read more
Pediatrician Jamie Wood, MD Clinical Diabestes, shares advice on the best way that people can help a friend who has a child that has been diagnosed with diabetes
Pediatrician Jamie Wood, MD Clinical Diabestes, shares advice for parents on the most important things to do in order to help keep your child with diabetes safe when... read more
Pediatrician Jamie Wood, MD Clinical Diabestes, shares advice for parents on the signs and symptoms that may indicate that your child has diabetes and should be checked... read more
Pediatrician Jamie Wood, MD Clinical Diabestes, shares advice for parents on the importance of emotional support for a child with diabetes and what a few of the best... read more
Pediatrician Jamie Wood, MD Clinical Diabestes, shares advice on the warning signs of a low blood sugar in a child with diabetes that should be watched out for
Pediatrician Jamie Wood, MD Clinical Diabestes, explains how teens with diabetes need to have a doctor sign off on their driving license application and shares advice on... read more
Pediatrician Jamie Wood, MD Clinical Diabestes, explains the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes in children, including the differences in the causes and... read more
Pediatrician Jamie Wood, MD Clinical Diabestes, shares advice for parents on what diabulimia is and the signs to look out for that may indicate that your child has it
Pediatrician Jamie Wood, MD Clinical Diabestes, shares advice for parents on the most common complications that children with diabetes may face
Pediatrician Jamie Wood, MD Clinical Diabestes, shares advice for parents on what to teach your child about managing their diabetes when they are in college on their own
Pediatrician Jamie Wood, MD Clinical Diabestes, shares advice for parents with a child who has diabetes on parenting your other children so that your child with diabetes... read more
Pediatrician Jamie Wood, MD Clinical Diabestes, shares advice for parents on the most common age of onset of diabetes in children for both Type I and Type II diabetes
Pediatrician Jamie Wood, MD Clinical Diabestes, shares advice for parents who have a child with diabetes on how to plan to keep your child safe when sleeping over at a... read more
Pediatrician Jamie Wood, MD Clinical Diabestes, shares advice for parents on the three things that every parent should know about a diabetes diagnosis in their child
Pedeiatrician Jamie Wood, MD Clinical Diabestes, shares advice for parents on the best way to explain diabetes to your child after his or her diagnosis
Pedeiatrician Jamie Wood, MD Clinical Diabestes, shares advice for parents on the most important things to inform your child's school staff about diabetes and helping to... read more
Pedeiatrician Jamie Wood, MD Clinical Diabestes, shares advice on the new options available to help treat diabetes in children and help make it easier for kids to... read more
Pedeiatrician Jamie Wood, MD Clinical Diabestes, shares advice for parents on how to help their child with diabetes overcome his or her fear of injections when checking... read more
Pediatrician Lawrence Ross, MD Infectious Disease, shares advice for parents on the best way to help prevent your infant or young child from catching whooping cough
Pediatrician Lawrence Ross, MD Infectious Disease, discusses the prevalence of HIV and AIDS in the world today, how teens and children can acquire it, and what can be... read more
Pediatrician Lawrence Ross, MD Infectious Disease, shares advice for parents on the causes and symptoms of meningitis in children
Pediatrician Lawrence Ross, MD Infections Disease, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, explains tuberculosis in the United States is at its lowest point ever, but what can... read more
Pediatrician Wendy Mitchell, MD Neurology, explains the signs and symptoms of petit mal or absence in children and how doctors test for these
Periodontist Hessam Nowzari, DDS, shares advice for parents on how adults can pass gum disease infection to their babies and what to do to prevent from infecting your... read more