Facts to know before child's surgery

Dr. Ed Buchanan, a pediatric plastic surgeon, informs parents of what they need to know before a child's surgery
Family Health Advice | Preparing for your child's surgery
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Facts to know before child's surgery

The most important thing for a family to know before their child goes into surgery essentially is what surgery they’re going to be having and what to be expecting both pre- and post-operatively. I feel that most families get frustrated if they don’t exactly have a clear picture of what’s going to be happening both in the lead-up to the actual operation and then in the actual operation. Once again, I feel that the information that can be provided by the practitioner to the families and the child needs to be clear and concise. It needs to be delivered frequently so that there’s no questions in the perioperative period. I find that’s the best way to alleviate fears and also help families get through the process.

Dr. Ed Buchanan, a pediatric plastic surgeon, informs parents of what they need to know before a child's surgery


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Edward Buchanan

Pediatric Plastic Surgeon & Author

Dr. Edward P. Buchanan is an Assistant Professor of Surgery in the Division of Plastic Surgery at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas.  He is the Chief of Cleft and Craniofacial Surgery at Texas Children’s Hospital. Before coming to Houston, he trained in Plastic Surgery at Stanford University and did further training in Pediatric Plastic Surgery and Craniofacial Surgery at Seattle Children’s Hospital in Seattle, Washington.  Although he performs all kinds of Plastic and Pediatric Plastic Surgery, his main focus of practice is Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery as well as Craniofacial Surgery.When he is not in Houston, Dr. Buchanan enjoys traveling to countries across the globe to teach and learn from other surgeons.  His most recent trip was to Lilongwe, Malawi, where he was a member of the Texas Children’s Hospital Global Surgical Initiative to help perform and teach Cleft and Pediatric Plastic Surgery.He recently wrote a children’s book entitled, “The Adventures of the Prickly Pear and the Happy Hoglet: Beginning the Journey of the Mental Ninja.” The book is intended to help children begin to develop a healthy self-image so that they can begin their Journey to becoming Mental Ninja’s (mentalninja.org).  The story was inspired by the children and family’s Dr. Buchanan has cared for over the years. 

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