Founder of Minds In Motion
Nicole Archambault Besson, EdS, MS, CCC-SLP, CLEC is an ASHA board certified speech-language pathologist, orofacial myofunctional therapist, sleep literacy advocate, and parent of two. She is the founder and executive director of Minds In Motion, a pediatric private practice clinic in Santa Monica, California. Nicole is recognized for her thoughtful, compassionate, and individualized care of children and their families within an interdisciplinary framework.
As any parent knows, bringing a new person into the world, while undoubtedly one of the most miraculous and joyful experiences, brings countless worries, sleepless nights, and a host of needlessly complicated baby contraptions to learn how to use. It easily gives rise to more questions than one ever thought possible, fueling an overwhelming desire for impending parents to gather as much information as possible before their little one makes their big debut. After their arrival, the quest continues. As both a professional and parent, I have yet to meet a fellow parent who didn’t want what