Kids In The House CEO
Leana Greene is the founder and CEO of Kids In The House, the world's largest parenting video library and a mother to three kids.
The origins of Rachel Starnes' book The War at Home is a love story, her love story—girl falls in love with her brother’s best friend, a man whose pursuit of becoming a Navy pilot means leaving regularly for long stretches of time. Emotionally honest and eloquent, Starnes shares a snapshot of military life and the strains it puts on families.
Another headline: Bullied to Death, Nine-year-old boy takes own life after relentless bullying. How many times have we read headlines like this in recent years? We are eight months into 2016 and already there are too many suicides or attempted suicides caused by bullying that we cannot list them all here. Suicides attributed to bullying is such a ubiquitius topic there is a Wikipedia page for it: List of suicides that have been attributed to bullying.
Original Article on Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kidsinthehousecom/overcoming-the-shame-of-my-learning-disability_b_6803024.html