Unschooling to University
Judy Arnall, is a certified child development expert who specializes in non-punitive parenting and education practices. She teaches about attachment parenting and unschooling to post-secondary education levels. Judy is the author of the bestselling print book, "Discipline Without Distress: 135 tools for raising caring, responsible children without time-outs, spanking, punishments and bribery," as well as, "Parenting With Patience: turn frustration into connection with 3 easy steps."
When considering homeschooling a child who has reached school age or when the decision is made for children to leave a school they attended last year, parents who are homeschooling their children for the first time have a lot of questions, worries and fears. These concerns are very common and as a home educator for the past 19 years, I would like to address them.
1. Can I balance home and school? I am worried that my mother duties would suffer when I would be spending a lot of my time teaching.
Is It a Discipline Issue or a Development Issue?
By the time a child reaches the preschool age of three to five, they have changed in so many ways. Many children are ready to expand their world outside of home and interact more with peers, teachers and other parents.
Physically, preschoolers are capable of many tasks. Emotionally, many can control their anger and uncomfortable emotions much better. Socially, they are curious about other children. The element of other people to play with adds fun, creativity, and learning (and sometimes needed conflict resolution) with other children.
There have been a lot of opinions published online lately regarding public shaming of children on the Internet and social media in order to teach kids a lesson and acquire good behavior. Public shaming is emotionally damaging to children, erodes their self-esteem, and shuts down communication. Good parenting involves mutual respect in a loving relationship. Mutual respect is treating another human being as no less and no more than one would like to be treated. If we don't want to be publicly shamed, we shouldn't do it to our children.