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No-Cry Solution Series Author

Elizabeth Pantley is a parent educator, mother of four, and the author of the now-classic baby sleep book, The No-Cry Sleep Solution, as well as six other books in the series, including The No-Cry Separation Anxiety SolutionThe No-Cry Potty Training SolutionThe No-Cry Discipline Solution, The No-Cry Picky Eater Solution, plus other successful parenting books. She is known worldwide as the practical, reasonable voice of respectful parenting.

There are many difficulties that arise when you have multiple children, and coordinating bedtime routines is definitely one of them! How do you manage older children’s bedtime routines with the non-schedule of a new baby?
Is bath time at your house an Olympic sport? “Bath time at our house is a disaster. My daughter splashes, throws toys, and sprays the entire bathroom with water. Washing up doesn’t happen without a big fuss.” Kids think that the tub is their own private swimming pool & washing up is not on their to do list.  They are not being bad – they are just having FUN!  Lots of little kids never want to take a bath! They don’t cooperate and it becomes a battle of wills. Here are some tips if you have a little bath-avoider!
Sadly, the majority of grains that children are exposed to in today’s world are the refined variety. Whether it’s restaurants, birthday parties, or even Grandma’s house, white flour dominates the offerings. You can’t totally control what goes on outside your kitchen – but you can control your home and increase whole grain consumption.   How to Transition from White Flour to Whole Grains  
teaching our children positive self-talk
Many children get into the habit of negative self-talk. This internal dialogue can cause children stress and anxiety and it can make them focus on possible disasters such as… What if I hate my new teacher? What if I get hurt and no one is there to help me? What if something bad happens to Daddy while he is away?
the magical naptime hush hour
Naps can be beneficial to children of all ages, but unfortunately your child won’t always agree. If you child has not been napping often enough, you probably have a fussy child who is prone to tears and tantrums later in the day. Of course, you want to try for regular naps, but a great alternative is a Hush Hour that provides rest time for children, to eliminate the fussies.
Parents of Picky Eaters - You're Not Alone
Parents sometimes believe the myth that children should want to eat healthy meals each and every day. That they should happily eat vegetables, turn down junk food, and beg for fresh fruit. Of course, if you have a young child, you’ll understand that this myth is simply wishful thinking.
lights affect your child's sleep
Our ancestors lived in a world where they woke up and went to bed with the sun; however, electricity has changed how we live our lives without necessarily changing our biology.
Many parents get caught up in day to day routines and the never-ending task of teaching their children and lose some important opportunities to model and teach respect.
As with any parenting issue, there are plenty of strategies and recommendations when it comes to the right approach to potty training. Should you throw a potty party with prizes, songs and dancing? Or should you take a reserved approach and simply acknowledge that your child has done well? What’s the best way to encourage potty training success, so that you can move on from all things diapers?
Learning your baby’s unique sleep signals is one of the first steps towards encouraging healthy sleep. When you can recognize your baby’s sleep cues, then you will be able to put her down to sleep as soon as she becomes tired. Your baby does not understand her own sleep needs so she is dependent upon you to decipher them for her.
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