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Brent Feinberg's picture

Brent Feinberg is an integrative healer and author, born in Johannesburg South Africa 27 June 1990.

He is a Triple Reiki Master – Reiki Master Usui, Reiki Master Karuna, Reiki Master Lightarian. He started his training in 2004 at the age of 13.

Brent is a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner. Qualified Yoga Teacher. Practitioner of Transcendental Meditation and advanced techniques of Transcendental Meditation. Through the many years of experience and studying, he has developed a great understanding of consciousness based health care and wellbeing.

Brent is a best seling author and speaker … “Freeing Freddie – The Dream Weaver” is Brent’s first set of books that have now sold thoudands of copies.

He is the Creative Director of “With Love From Freddie LLC”

how kids can overcome fear
As parents, our greatest vision is to have children who have a positive sense of self with enough self confidence to navigate the challenges of life.  Life experience has taught us all that at times we are faced with situations that create fear preventing us from moving forward.  One of the greatest gifts you can give to your children are the skills and tools to deal with their own fears to do more in their own lives. This creates a foundation that they will draw from daily as they create a life that they love.  
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