Katie Hurley, LCSW, is a child and adolescent psychotherapist, parenting expert, and writer. The author of The Happy Kid Handbook: How to Raise Joyful Children in a Stressful World, Katie practices psychotherapy in Los Angeles. She is a freelance writer for online publications, including PBS Parents, EverydayFamily, Momtastic, and The Huffington Post. Katie authors the popular blog, Practical Parenting.
Website // @katiefhurley // Facebook
(Photo Credit: Seah...
Frequent meltdowns and tantrums beyond the toddler years are common concerns for parents. It makes sense. We hear about the “terrible twos,” and lately it seems as though “three is the new two;” but parents are generally led to believe that once kids enter preschool, the meltdowns simply fade into the distance. Sadly, many parents find that this misguided information just isn’t true.
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