Breastfeeding after breast surgery

OBGYN Jay Goldberg, MD, shares advice for women who have had breast implants or breast reduction surgery on breastfeeding
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Breastfeeding after breast surgery

If your desire is to breastfeed and you've had surgery on your breasts before, we encourage you to try. There's no promises that can be made. Breast implants tend to be less impeding. Breast reduction is a major surgery that often will cut the ducts and make it more difficult. But I've had success with both; I've had breast implants and breast reduction surgery patients that have successfully breastfed. So if the desire is there, give it a try.

OBGYN Jay Goldberg, MD, shares advice for women who have had breast implants or breast reduction surgery on breastfeeding


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Jay Goldberg, MD

Obstetrician & Gynecologist

Dr. Jay Goldberg is a Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Goldberg earned his medical degree from the Medical University of South Carolina in 1996 after completing his undergraduate education at the University of California-San Diego. His internship and residency training took place at Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles.

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