Supervising children

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Supervising children

Far and away the most important thing is for a parent to watch and supervise their child carefully. Last year at the hospital in Los Angeles, we had 36 near-drowning episodes, of which three or four children died. All of the parents who came in said, "I went to answer the telephone." "I went to get a newspaper." "I thought I could send a quick email." Their child then scampered off and fell into the Jacuzzi or the pool. One hundred percent of the time, it was lack of supervision that left those children, many in a devastating condition or in some cases, death. Parents need to be an advocate for their children. Watch their children carefully. If, for any reason a parent needs to leave their child's side, they need to assign another supervisor who is capable, skilled and able to supervise that child. Supervision is really key in preventing accidents. Preventable injuries are the number one cause of death and it's tragic.

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Alan Nager, MD, MHA

Pediatrician, Emergency Medicine, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

Dr. Alan Nager is Head of the Division of Emergency and Transport Medicine at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. He is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California. Dr. Nager received his undergraduate degree in Public Heath and Child Psychology, his graduate degree in Healthcare Administration, his medical degree from the University of Minnesota Medical School and his training in Pediatric Emergency Medicine at the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.  He has lectured extensively on a variety of emergency medicine topics, appeared numerous times in the media, and published extensively on topics such as dehydration, trauma, mental health, disaster preparedness, etc. He has also authored a children’s book entitled, Angels in Action: One Day in the Emergency Department.

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