Reinventing yourself after becoming a mother

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Reinventing yourself after becoming a mother | Kids in the House
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Reinventing yourself after becoming a mother

As a journalist, I've always been really aware of what's going on in current events and in the news. Especially I was drawn to stories about the food supply - how toxic it's becoming, how nervous that made me, not only about the foods that my husband and I were eating, but now as a new mother, even more so on behalf of my children. And it's kind of a minefield out there. So navigating foods that I felt comfortable feeding my kids, and where I could find them, and what I could make and so on. So that really became the inspiration behind starting a business. My then best friend and now business partner, Shannon, were going through the same thing, and had children around the same age, and we just decided that we could be part of the solution. It's kind of a classic, that mom aha moment, that you're doing something in your own life, and suddenly the light bulb goes off, and you realize there are probably other people out there who could benefit from this information or this product or whatever. We're really the classic stories of mom-preneurs, the mom entrepreneur.

Watch Liane Weintraub, MA's video on Reinventing yourself after becoming a mother...


Expert Bio

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Liane Weintraub, MA

CEO & Co-founder, Tasty Brand Inc.

Since 2007, Liane has been on a self-proclaimed “tasty mission” (along with her business partner, Shannan Swanson) to improve nutritional options for children of all ages through their organic snack food company, Tasty Brand Inc. Liane was born and raised in Manhattan, NY, where city life presents some challenges to healthy eating and living. After attending Columbia University (BA), Oxford University and USC School of Journalism (MA), she worked as a local television news reporter at United Paramount Network. She has also been a regular contributor to an array of local and national print/online publications. In that capacity, she encountered many people with heart-gripping stories, the most touching of whom were children. Her commitments to the environment and to children’s causes are an integral part of Tasty Brand. As a journalist, she understands the power of story-telling and is committed to spreading Tasty Brand's message far and wide. A self-taught cook, Liane has a passion for food and good nutrition. Liane and her husband Richard have two children: Ava, age eight and Cole, age seven.

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