Learning to be more emotionally intelligent in parenting
Jeanne Segal, PhD, explains what emotional intelligence is, and shares advice for parents on how they can grow theirs in order to be a better parent
Parents can learn to be emotionally intelligent. Emotional intelligence is a skill set. If you're lucky, it's a skill set that helps you to remain calm and focused and emotionally connected, pretty much all the time, so you can handle your emotions. This is learned. If you're lucky, your parent modeled and it at birth and you didn't think about learning it, you just did. You just learned it. Most of us didn't have that. The good news is that it's a skill set. It's not something you're born with, it's something you learn. So you can learn to be emotionally intelligent later in life. I believe that you can do this, by learning first of all how to manage your stress, how to recognize it, which you can do, and to manage it and then mindfulness basically. There's mindfulness training on our website helpguide.org and people can learn these skills that enable to you to stay calm and focused and emotionally connected to yourself and others. It's a little bit of work, but boy it's well worth it.
Jeanne Segal, PhD, explains what emotional intelligence is, and shares advice for parents on how they can grow theirs in order to be a better parent
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Jeanne Segal, PhDPsychologist & Author
Jeanne Segal is a mother and grandmother with an MA degree in psychology and PhD in sociology. She is an author whose books have been translated into 13 languages. Dr. Segal is the developer and content editor of Helpguide.org, a nonprofit website that helps people help themselves. Helpguide attracts over 1 million viewers a week and collaborates with the publishing arm of Harvard Medical School. One of the topics covered on the Helpguide.org website that is dearest to her heart is infant mental health.
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