Co-parenting tips for couples

Actress and mompreneur Ali Landry shares advice for parents on how to create a strong co-parenting partnership by have necessary conversations and maintaining a united front as parents.
Co-parenting tips for couples | Kids in the House
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Co-parenting tips for couples

Well co-parenting advice, I think first is, find the right guy to marry! No, my husband and I had numerous conversations about life, and how we wanted to raise our children, and how we were raised and the relationships that our parents have, before we really made that decision that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. Trust me, that knowledge only came from having other things happen in my life that made me realize that I really need to ask all the questions. So I did with my husband and I have a great partner, but we really do, with the children, especially my daughter is now seven and aware of everything and would take full advantage of any situation if she saw that there was a crack between my husband and I. We really try to keep a united front in front of the children. Yes there are disagreements, we don't agree on everything, but those discussions are always had behind closed doors.

Actress and mompreneur Ali Landry shares advice for parents on how to create a strong co-parenting partnership by have necessary conversations and maintaining a united front as parents.


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Ali Landry

Actress, Mompreneur, Mother of Three

Ali Landry found success in Hollywood after being crowned Miss Louisiana and Miss USA. Landry, a small town girl from Louisiana, became a household name as the Doritos spokeswoman and the 1998 Super Bowl heartthrob. She has had recurring roles in “Felicity”, “Two Guys and a girl”, “Sunset Beach” and “Popular.” She is married to writer and director Alejandro Gomez Monteverde. Landry co-starred in his film “Bella” and will appear in his latest film, “Little Boy.” Mother of three kids, Ali created an app,, for fellow moms around the world. is a personalized product discovery app for moms by moms. It is a place to discover new product trends and share your ultimate favorite products. Even though Landry has her plate full as an actress, entrepreneur and mother, she says “I am so fulfilled, I know that I am in the exact place I am supposed to be in, doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. I could not be happier.”

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