Disagreements with your partner about how to discipline

Mom and Writer Dani Shear shares advice for parents on how to best resolve disagreements with your partner about how to discipline your children put together a united front
Disagreements With Your Partner About How To Discipline Your Kids
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Disagreements with your partner about how to discipline

Unfortunately I think my husband and I discipline in very different ways. My husband tends to coddle and spoil my girls, which gets me nuts. I think you do not do a service to your children if you spoil them. And unfortunately, it does confuse my children a little bit. I find that it´s really important not in front of them to have a conversation with your spouse and really explain your feelings and why you really feel strongly about this and vice versa so that at least you can be on the same page half the time.

Mom and Writer Dani Shear shares advice for parents on how to best resolve disagreements with your partner about how to discipline your children put together a united front


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Dani Shear

Mom & Writer

Dani Shear is a writer and the mother of two kids, who are five years apart – an age gap she highly recommends. When her daughter was seven months old, Dani and her husband decided to change her name – a process that leads her to believe that if you can possibly agree on a name before putting it on the birth certificate, it would be a really smart idea!

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