Bringing peace to your home by working on yourself
Watch Marcy Axness, PhD's video on Bringing peace to your home by working on yourself...
Well one of the shifts that needs to happen to bring more peace and ease and delight to a home happens within the parents themselves. Now, I learned this in a very raw way. When my son was a baby, I found myself in the bathroom whipping a hand towel against the counter to drain off enough rage that I could just sit on the floor with him and be with him and his blocks. And I wanted to find out what was going on. And I found out that behind my shiny J.Crew exterior and my organic baby food making that I was struggling. I, as a baby, had not gotten what I needed and I was trying to give that to my son. And what I learned was when we hold a baby in our arms, the baby we were once is right there too with whatever unmet needs or losses we had. Bu the good news, the exciting news, out of the latest neuroscience is no matter what our childhood was, it doesn't have to negatively affect our children if we can just become fluent with it, friendly with it, make friends with our own story. So really the take home here is work on yourself and your child will thrive.
Watch Marcy Axness, PhD's video on Bringing peace to your home by working on yourself...
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Marcy Axness, PhDChildhood Development Specialist
Marcy Axness, PhD, is an early development specialist, popular international speaker, and author of Parenting for Peace: Raising the Next Generation of Peacemakers. She is a top blogger at and a member of their expert panel. Featured in several documentary films as an expert in adoption, prenatal development and Waldorf education, Dr. Axness has a private practice coaching parents-in-progress. She considers as one of her most important credentials that she raised two peacemakers to share with the world -- Ian and Eve, both in their 20s.
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