Intrinsic motivation and how it can help later in life

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Intrinsic motivation and how it can help later in life | Kids in the House
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Intrinsic motivation and how it can help later in life

Intrinsic motivation, the desire to do something for its own sake as opposed for the reward I get, is one of the key kind of predictors of joy in life. Doing something because you love to do it. You want to experience that as young as possible and the best way is to first create a connected environment for the child. Then, let the child play, find out what lights their imagination up. Then, they will want to do whatever that is over and over and over and they will want to work at it. That is intrinsic motivation. That is why it is so important instead of simply telling kids to do thing, to see what they are inclined to want to do spontaneously. Now, certainly there some things that they are going to have to do that they don´t want to do. But you want them to have one or two things that they love to do because they want to do it. That is the intrinsic motivation and that tends to be the thing that they will do for the rest of their life. I started writing early in my life and I am still writing today. It is something that I want to do. I am intrinsically motivated to do it. You want to have your kids find one or two activities they feel that way about.

Watch Video: Intrinsic motivation and how it can help later in life by Edward Hallowell, MD, EdD, ...


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Edward Hallowell, MD, EdD

Psychiatrist, ADHD Specialist, & Author

Edward (Ned) Hallowell, MD, EdD is a Harvard-trained Child and Adult Psychiatrist in practice in Sudbury, MA (outside Boston) and New York City. The author of 18 books, Dr. Hallowell specializes in learning differences such as ADHD and dyslexia, both of which he has himself.  He has also written extensively on general issues of parenting and living in our modern age. He lives in the Boston area with his wife of 23 years, Sue, and their three children, Lucy, Jack, and Tucker.

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