Golden nugget of parenting advice
Alisa Donner, LCSW, Co-Founder of Pregnancy Awareness Month, shares her Golden Nugget of parenting advice on keeping things simple as a parent
Alisa Donner: My golden nugget of parenting advice is simple, simplicity. And I am a big believer in the simplicity parenting movement. Simplicity. Slowing down. Pausing. Even while you parent. Even as they get older, as they want to do things. As they want to enroll them in activity after activity after activity. Pause. Take it slow. Take moments. Teach your baby. Teach your child to pause. That it’s okay to take a rest in between things to do. Play dates, activities, enrichment classes. It’s important for us all to take breaths, to be a role model of the person that takes breaths. When you eat, you eat. When you sleep, you sleep. When you’re outside playing, you’re outside playing. When you’re driving somewhere, you’re driving. So right now, what’s on my mind as a mother is to calm the chatter. To decrease the chatter. To decrease the smartphones, the computers, the iPads. Slow it down. Be in nature more. Take walks with your baby. Don’t be on the phone while walking your baby pushing the stroller. Practice simplicity.
Alisa Donner, LCSW, Co-Founder of Pregnancy Awareness Month, shares her Golden Nugget of parenting advice on keeping things simple as a parent
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Alisa Donner, LCSWCo-founder of Pregnancy Awareness Month
Alisa Donner is the co-founder of Pregnancy Awareness Month (PAM) with Anna Getty. The mission of PAM is to empower, inspire and build a community of support for expectant women and families. The four initiatives of the month-long campaign are Education, Exercise, Nutrition & Wellness, and Nurture. Alisa is also a licensed clinical social worker.
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