Golden Nugget

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Golden Nugget

My golden nugget of parenting advice is just to enjoy the ride. None of us are perfect people and none of us are perfect parents and we’re never going to be able to follow any technique perfectly. We’re always going to let our children down. And I know that there’s going to be times when I disappoint them and I’m not going to be the mom that they want to have. But I hope above all else, they know how much I love them and they see me really enjoying watching them grow. And I hope that’s what they remember.

Learn about: Golden Nugget from Suchada Eickemeyer,...


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Suchada Eickemeyer

Mom & Blogger

Suchada Eickemeyer is a writer who blogs about natural parenting at She has two toddler boys who are exuberant and hilarious. Her favorite thing to do with them is cuddle in bed on Saturday mornings. When she gets free time she runs, spends time with friends, and cuts loose.

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