How to help your child feel emotionally safe

Cathy Cassani Adams shares advice on how to help your children feel emotionally safe.
How to help your child feel emotionally safe | Kids in the House
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How to help your child feel emotionally safe


Cathy Cassani Adams shares advice on how to help your children feel emotionally safe.


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Cathy Cassani Adams, LCSW

Author, Podcast Host, Teacher

Cathy Adams, LCSW, CPC, CYT, is Co-Founder of Be U, Inc., a conscious living company. She is the author of three books, including the newly released Living What You Want Your Kids to Learn: The Power of Self-Aware Parenting. Cathy serves as adjunct faculty in the sociology department at Dominican University, she co-hosts the internationally popular Zen Parenting Radio podcast, and she writes a regular column, called The Self-Aware Parent, for Chicago Parent Magazine. She’s a blogger for The Huffington Post, a frequent guest expert on Chicago’s WGN radio, and her parent coaching has been the focus of a CBS News Report and a Fox News Special Report. She’s been featured numerous times in Parents Magazine, Newsweek Magazine, the Chicago Tribune, Ebony Magazine, Crain’s Chicago Business, Today’s Chicago Woman, and West Suburban Magazine. Cathy is a sought after speaker for schools, conferences, and retreats, and she runs self-awareness workshops for kids and adults. Cathy considers her most important experience to be that of mother to three girls, ages 11, 10, and 7.

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