Importance of journaling for girls

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Importance of journaling for girls

Journaling is a wonderful way to help girls develop or maintain their authentic voices. And parents and I often talk about how great this is during the teen years, and yet it's never too early to help girls start journaling. They can begin their first journal before they can even write. It can be a journal that they draw in. As girls get older, some prefer journals that give them some guidance, some activities to write about or draw about or collage about. Other girls are really thrilled to have a blank, white page to just create whatever they need or want to create. Another cool kind of journaling to do is mother-daughter journaling. You can create a sock drawer journal. This is a journal that's private between you and your daughter. You can keep it in a safe place like the sock drawer, and the 2 of you take turns writing to each other sharing funny stories, words of encouragement, expressions of gratitude. Whatever you would like to share with each other to support your daughter.

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Melissa Johnson, PhD


Melissa J. Johnson, PhD, licensed psychologist, is the founder and CEO of the Institute for Girl’s Development in Pasadena, CA. An expert in child and teen development, Dr, Johnson holds a master's degree in Education and a Doctorate in Counseling Psychology. Dr. Johnson has worked with children and teens for over 30 years. At the Institute. Dr. Johnson and her team deliver strength-based therapy, inspiring education programs and consultation with schools and districts to help create positive school climates. Dr. Johnson's approach to raising and mentoring youth draws together contemporary research in neuroscience and mind/body health, and evidence based interventions in mindfulness and social and emotional intelligence.

Dr. Johnson was recognized by the State of California with an Outstanding Women in Business award winner in 2011. Dr. Johnson is a former Interim Chair of the Maters Programs in counseling at the University of La Verne and has served as an adjunct faculty member at both the University of La Verve and the University of Southern California. Dr. Jonson is a welcomed local and national speaker. Her peer-reviewed publications have appeared in the Journal of Humanistic Psychology and Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. Her numerous articles about raising strong girls have appeared in community online blogs and newsletters.

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