Advice for parents on building identity awareness in your child

Percy L. Abram, PhD describes ways to build identity awareness in children
Family and Parenting Advice | Building identity awareness in your child
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Advice for parents on building identity awareness in your child

So at my school one of the ways that we build identity awareness in children is to give them a keen understanding of the differences that exist in their small community, their family, brothers and sisters, the differences that exist in the larger classroom. So it could be that some students have different socioeconomic backgrounds. Students have different ethnoracial backgrounds. But we think it's important for students to understand and we directly point out those differences so that they can then understand how their home environment affects the classroom. How the classroom composition affects how each different student learns. We do that through art classes. We do that through music. And we're constantly having conversations about who we are as individuals and how those individual traits make up the larger group.

Percy L. Abram, PhD describes ways to build identity awareness in children


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Percy L. Abram, PhD

Head of School

Percy Abram is the Head of Gateway School.  Gateway School is a Kindergarten – 8th grade independent school in Santa Cruz, CA.  Prior to joining Gateway School, Dr. Abram was the Upper Division Director at Brentwood School in Los Angeles.  An LA native, Dr. Abram received his B.A. (Economics) and M.A. (Education) degrees from UCLA, and his M.A. (Sociology) and Ph.D. (Education) from Stanford University.  Dr. Abram and his wife are the parents of a 10-year old daughter and 7-year old son, and despite running a school and being responsible for 260 students each day, he still finds parenting his most challenging job.

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