Being a good dad when your dad wasn't one

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Being a good dad when your dad wasn't one | Kids in the House
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Being a good dad when your dad wasn't one

How can a father become a good father and an involved father when their own father was not involved, was abusive, or distant? This is a very important issue for fathers. Many fathers don't have good role models and find themselves sometimes confused and not sure what to do with their own children. Those fathers want to be good fathers but need sometimes some help with being good fathers. It is important for fathers to be able to express their concerns with their partners, to get support, and also try to identify and be aware of the own triggers. What did they like about how their fathers treated them? What did they not like? And to be able to balance out their own triggers and their own experiences and learn how to be different with their children themselves. Sometimes it's very difficult to do and professional help can help fathers identify those triggers and experiences, and then become more involved and more effective parents with their own children.
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Watch Chen Oren, PhD's video on Being a good dad when your dad wasn't one...


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Chen Oren, PhD

Psychologist & Author

Chen Z. Oren, PhD, is a psychologist with a private practice in Westlake Village, CA. He is also a researcher, author, and speaker. Dr. Oren specializes in the psychology of men, fathers, and athletes.  He counsels men, women, couples, and athletes and co-leads a weekly men's group.   Dr. Oren’s work with men and fathers is focused on understanding their own experiences, challenges, and strengths to help them become fathers.  He serves on the board of the American Psychological Association, Division 51, the Study of the Psychology or Men and Masculinity.  He speaks locally and nationally on issues related to men and fathering issues, diversity, and effective counseling.  His book, Counseling Fathers (Routledge), is designed to bridge the gap between fathers and professional helpers. He has ongoing research on fathers and therapy that looks closely at the experiences of fathers to better understand their strengths and their struggles. Dr. Oren received his Ph.D. in counseling psychology from USC.

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