The importance of fish oil for young kids
Ling Wong, MS, CHC Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Coach, shares advice for parents on the benefits that fish oil, which promoters eye and brain development, can have in young children
I would say fish oil, for young kids and babies. They need the omega fatty acid, DHA and EPA, are critical for eye and brain development.
In a lot of case studies, after kids with behavioral issues and learning disabilities are giving therapeutic doses of DHA and EPA, their problems go away. So you are the age-old mom, giving them the cod liver oil, has reason behind it.
Ling Wong, MS, CHC Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Coach, shares advice for parents on the benefits that fish oil, which promoters eye and brain development, can have in young children
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Ling Wong, MS, CHCHolistic Nutrition & Wellness Coach
Ling Wong, MS, CHHC, AADP, is the founder and director of Thoughts For Foods Holistic Health Coaching, and mother of a 21-month-old boy. She is a holistic nutrition and wellness coach specializing in preconception wellness, pre- and post-natal health, as well as mom-focused family nutrition. Ling holds a Master of Science degree in Holistic Nutrition from Clayton College of Natural Health and Professional Training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
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