How to deal with naysayers of a different generation

Nutritionist Del Millers, PhD, suggests ways to explain your healthy eating philosophy and the problems with our food supply to those of a different generation
Healthy Eating Tips | Explaining food philosophy to those of a different generation
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How to deal with naysayers of a different generation

How do you deal with your parents or grandparents who may have eaten one way and now you're trying to eat healthy and avoid these trans-fats or processed foods? Well you want to really, just do your thing and try to communicate to them that our food supply is nothing like their food supply was years and years ago. You know, we're so far removed from our food supply that by the time we get a lot of things that we get in the market, it is not fresh any more. So there is a bigger possibility of bacterias. It's so much more highly processed. In order to preserve it for transportation, in order to preserve it for the shelf-life. So our food supply is very different, from our meats right down to the fats we use are very different because there are a lot more chemicals and processing that go into the things that we eat today.

Nutritionist Del Millers, PhD, suggests ways to explain your healthy eating philosophy and the problems with our food supply to those of a different generation


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Del Millers, PhD

Author, Nutritionist

Dr. Del Millers is the founder of and author of eight books on mind-body health and nutrition. A PhD Nutritionist with a Masters degree in psychology, Dr. Del teaches motivation and high performance strategies to busy entrepreneurs and professionals, so that they can make a difference in their lives tomorrow in just ten minutes today.

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