Kermit said "It's not easy being green," but maybe green living is not as hard as we think. Join us on January 20th at 1:30pm PST for a live Q&A discussion with Dr. +Alan Greene. He'll be talking about optimal cord clamping, starting first foods, and learning to love new flavors!
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About Alan Greene, MD
Dr. Alan Greene founded his website, DrGreene.com, in 1995, cited by the AMA as "the pioneer physician web site." In 2010 he founded the WhiteOut Now movement to change how babies are fed from their very first bite of solid food, and in 2012 he founded TICC TOCC – Transitioning Immediate Cord Clamping To Optimal Cord Clamping. He is an author of several books including Feeding Baby Green and appears frequently in the media including such venues as the The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, TODAY Show, Good Morning America, the Dr. Oz Show, and is a regular columnist for Parenting magazine. He is a practicing pediatrician and the father of four.