How to best deal with the occurrence of lice in school

Parenting Author & Blogger, Whitney Moss, shares advice for parents on how to help deal with the occurrence of lice in your child's school
How To Help You Child Avoid Lice In School
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How to best deal with the occurrence of lice in school

Lice is something no parents wants to hear about, but the truth is that you have to know how to deal with it because it’s a reality of parenting through the preschool and grade school years. So while there are experts that you can pay to remove lice from your child’s head, you really need to get the skills to do it yourself. So I recommend going to one of those experts once or having a friend who feels like she can teach you how to do it show you, and then you do it yourself after that so you’re armed for the rest of these school years to deal with lice when it comes up, because it will come up. The other thing I would say to parents is know that you’re going to feel itchy and have a degree of post-traumatic stress syndrome after this happens, because you’ll just wake up every morning worrying about it. It’s a legitimate fear and it feels awful, so if you have lice and you’re dealing with it, my sympathies are with you, and you should really learn how to take care of it yourself.

Parenting Author & Blogger, Whitney Moss, shares advice for parents on how to help deal with the occurrence of lice in your child's school


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Whitney Moss

Author & Blogger

Upon becoming a mom, Whitney Moss joined forces with her BFF Heather Gibbs, and they began writing down hundreds ideas for fun things to do – with babies in tow. The result was their book, The Rookie Mom's Handbook: 250 Activities To Do With (and Without!) Your Baby and website,, which has been on's list of Top 50 Mom Blogs twice. Whitney has been a contributor on and spoken at the MamaBear family tech conference.  Whitney lives in the Bay Area with her husband and two children: Julian, eight and Scarlett, five. She grew up in Los Angeles, CA and attended Barnard College.

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