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Lice Videos

Kids in the House
Lice is one of the more common childhood maladies that still persists today.  While not particularly dangerous, it is generally considered one of the most... read more
Summer is approaching and soon you will be sending your kids off to overnight camp. To prevent pesky lice from putting an end to summer fun, take some preventative steps... read more
Parenting Author & Blogger, Whitney Moss, shares advice for parents on how to help deal with the occurrence of lice in your child's school
Lice Removal Expert Amy Goldreyer shares advice for parents on how to spot the signs that your child might have lice and should have his or her hair checked
Lice Removal Expert Amy Goldreyer shares advice for parents on the best ways to help prevent your child from getting head lice
Lice Removal Expert Amy Goldreyer explains the life cycle of head lice, including how long lice life for, how long eggs take to hatch, and how many eggs can be laid per... read more
Lice Removal Expert Amy Goldreyer shares advice for parents on the best way to treat head lice, how to loosen the glue on louse eggs, and why shampoos aren't a good... read more
Lice Removal Expert Amy Goldreyer explains how lice is spread from person to person, and shares advice on how to help keep it from spreading
Lice Removal Expert, Amy Goldreyer, shares advice on how lice is most often spread to adults and what to do to avoid it
Lice Removal Expert, Amy Goldreyer, shares advice for parents on what parts of the house are most important to clean after a family member has been diagnosed with lice
Lice Removal Expert, Amy Goldreyer, shares advice for parents on what to check in your home that can often spread lice if one member of your family is diagnosed with lice
Lice Removal Expert, Amy Goldreyer, shares advice for parents on the benefits and advantages of using a professional lice removal service to take care your child's head... read more
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