Traditional Chinese medicine

Mao Shing Ni, PhD Doctor of Chinese Medicine, explains what Chinese medicine is, the aspects that Chinese medicine is different and similar to Western medicinal treatments
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Traditional Chinese medicine

Chinese medicine and Western medicine are very compatible. In fact, in our practice, on a daily basis, we collaborate on a regular basis. The strength of Chinese medicine recognizes that it is free of side-effects, so it's natural. It effects the body, it looks at the whole person. It is patient centered, so what we're concerned about is all of the person; body, mind, and spirit. Western medicine is very disease focused. Let's find the disease and eradicate it, sometimes it does that without regards to how the person really is at the end of the day. The two types are very compatible. These are two major medical systems that are used by many populations in the world. Chinese medicine enjoys about 2 billion people that uses it on a regular basis. Of course, then there is Western medicine. There are many situations where we will use the diagnostic tools of Western medicine for diagnosis. Then we will use the less invasive techniques of Chinese medicine to treat because it is natural and it's free from side-effects. We won't hesitate from using Western medicine if we feel that we need something that is more quick acting and we need to use right away. So in emergency situations, of course, without any hesitation, will resort to Western medicine.

Mao Shing Ni, PhD Doctor of Chinese Medicine, explains what Chinese medicine is, the aspects that Chinese medicine is different and similar to Western medicinal treatments


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Mao Shing Ni, LAc, DOM, PhD

Doctor of Chinese Medicine

Dr. Mao Shing Ni, also known as Dr. Mao, is a bestselling author, doctor of Chinese Medicine and an authority on integrative nutrition.  He practices with his associates at the Tao of Wellness in Santa Monica and Newport Beach, California, specializing in family medicine, women’s health and pediatrics. Dr. Mao is the co-founder of Yo San University in Los Angeles where he trains healthcare professionals in acupuncture and Chinese medicine.  He is a highly sought after speaker and has been featured in numerous media including the NY Times, Dr. Oz, The Doctors and PBS radio.  Dr. Mao writes as a Health Expert on Yahoo and Huffington Post.  For more information on his best-seller, Secrets of Self Healing, log onto

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