CPR for older children
Richard Pass, RN Registered Nurse & CPR Expert, shares advice for parents on how to perform CPR for older children above the age of 8
The American Heart Association guidelines for handling people of different ages with CPR needs includes birth to one year being an infant; one to 8 years of age being a child; and then above that essentially be handled like an adult.
So the 30 pumps and 2 breaths that we give infants and children up to the age of 8 is consistent. Above that, we’re pretty much handling them like an adult. And as you may or may not know, the new guideline for community CPR in the older population is chest compressions only. No mouth-to-mouth whatsoever. The only time we would use mouth-to-mouth on an older person would be if they were pulled out of water. And that would be 30 pumps, 2 breaths, just like it would be for a pediatric victim.
But right now we are encouraging the public to avoid mouth-to-mouth on older children, that being above 8, and certainly adults.
Richard Pass, RN Registered Nurse & CPR Expert, shares advice for parents on how to perform CPR for older children above the age of 8
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Richard Pass, RNRegistered Nurse & CPR Expert
Richard Pass, RN, BS, was born in Los Angeles. He studied nursing in Portland, Oregon and has since practiced nursing for 35 years, including ICU, Emergency, and Cardiology nursing. Richard started his CPR & Family Safety educational company, Save a Little Life, Inc., in 1999. With Save a Little Life, Inc., Richard presents house calls and classes all over the Los Angeles area. He teaches medical-surgical nursing at California State University, and is married with two grown children and one grandchild.
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