Doing your own medical research

Shelley Hurguy, RN, Holistic Health Coach, shares advice for parents who have a child with a disease or illness on the importance and benefits of doing your own research in order to help your child through the tough process
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Doing your own medical research

My early research findings regarding my daughters condition and her subsequent surgical interventions were right in line with what the surgeon was telling us. I was very comfortable with his course of treatment and his surgical plan. It was after the surgeries were all done that I realized that her medical management was going to be the most challenging for her. I learned that it was going to be less about science and more about trial and error. After our doctors ran out of suggestions, I started researching the internet and I found a support group for parents of children that had congenital defects like my daughter's. I learned that the procedures that we were performing on her were considered last resort treatments and I also learned about a specialized facility that was run by two surgeons who are experts in the medical and surgical management of children with the exact congenital defect that my daughter had. It gave me so much hope to know that there was a possibility that her quality of life might be better than it was, now.

Shelley Hurguy, RN, Holistic Health Coach, shares advice for parents who have a child with a disease or illness on the importance and benefits of doing your own research in order to help your child through the tough process


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Shelley Hurguy, RN, MSN, CRNA, CHHC

Certified Holistic Health Counselor

I am holistic health coach with a certificate from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I have a Master’s Degree in Nursing, and worked as a Nurse Anesthetist for over a decade. I have been trained in more than one hundred dietary theories and found my passion for the power of healing through food when I read Paul Pitchford’s Healing With Whole Foods in response to my daughter’s medical challenges.

My daughter was born with a congenital bowel defect and endured several surgeries before her first birthday. After a highly specialized surgery to render her continent at age eight, my daughter was sent home with a list of medications that were intended for use unendingly. The medications contained chemicals and food dyes meant to alter the passage of food through her gastrointestinal tract, and I couldn’t find a natural supplemental alternative. I began to research dietary solutions to her body’s response to food, digestion and elimination.

During this time of navigating my daughter’s medical condition, professionally, I was administering anesthesia to patients undergoing bariatric surgery; a process of shrinking the stomach so the patient is forced to eat less food. I knew there had to be a better way to solve the issue of obesity, and that there was more to being overweight than just eating too much.

I have learned that what we eat and what we don't eat can profoundly affect and heal our bodies. I offer personalized “roadmaps to health,” created to suit each individual’s body, lifestyle, preferences and goals.

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