Coping with your child's diagnosis

Mickey Guisewite, Parent With A Purpose, shares advice for parents on how to cope with the difficult news that your child has been diagnosed with cancer
Advice For Coping With The News Of Your Child's Cancer Diagnosis
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Coping with your child's diagnosis

The day I got the news that my son had cancer was the worst day of my entire life. it was a nightmare. We had taken our son into the hospital thinking he had the flue. And the next thing I know, my husband and I were sitting in a little conference room, and a team of doctors walked in and sat us down. And the doctors said, "your son has cancer." And the room started spinning around. I thought I was going to faint. I had to put my head down on the table. When I looked up again, I was kind of hoping that they would all be gone and that this was all just a really bad nightmare. But unfortunately they weren't. They were all still standing there and now launching into what we were going to have to do to treat our son. It was really, really hard. Coping on a daily basis with having a son who had cancer is absolutely the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. But in spite of that, in spite of what my personal feelings were, I knew that I needed to put those feelings aside and be, you know,

Mickey Guisewite, Parent With A Purpose, shares advice for parents on how to cope with the difficult news that your child has been diagnosed with cancer


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Mickey Guisewite

Parent with a Purpose

Mickey Guisewite is a former advertising executive and syndicated newspaper columnist who started The Bottomless Toy Chest after her son successfully completed cancer treatment. The Bottomless Toy Chest is a nonprofit organization devoted to delivering toys, crafts and hands-on activities to hospitalized pediatric cancer patients. Mickey lives at home with her husband, son, daughter, two dogs, two cats and two turtles. When she’s not delivering toys to sick kids, she’s at home trying to find a tiny space on the couch among her two-legged and four-legged family members. 

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