Drought tolerant landscaping for every home

Actor & Environmentalist Ed Begley, Jr. shares advice on how to build a drought tolerant landscape for your home and how it benefits the environment
How To Create A Drought Tolerant Landscape For Your Home
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Drought tolerant landscaping for every home

I've had a drought tolerant landscape since the earliest days of home ownership. And what it is is certainly in an area like Los Angeles that makes a great deal of sands. We've had a drought here for years and the only reason LA exist, with the size that it is, is we have our straw dipped in somebody else's drink. We're getting our water from Northern California from a California aqueduct. We're getting it from the Owens Valley, we've taken their water over the last hundred years a great deal. We're getting it from the Colorado river. So, we need to be careful with the water that we do use. So right away, when I moved in to my current home, I took the lawn out, first thing, because i don't play croquet, I don't have any cows, any ruminants that need to graze, so I got rid of the lawn and put in a drought towering plant. What it is in our region, in LA, is California native plants that can get by with very little water. But they're beautiful. They flower, they have beautiful, different colored - purple and red flowers, and yellow flowers, and they're gorgeous looking. But they're just not a lawn, it's a different thing. So, I think you should do it, not just in the southwest, in every part of the country that have a drought - in Atlanta, in Georgia, many parts of Georgia and the Carolinas, droughts in Florida - there's many parts of the country that are experiencing water shortages, and we need to be careful with our water wherever we live. So a drought-tolerant garden is something, and I think it's very smart, very prudent to put in wherever you reside.

Actor & Environmentalist Ed Begley, Jr. shares advice on how to build a drought tolerant landscape for your home and how it benefits the environment


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Ed Begley, Jr.

Actor & Environmentalist

Inspired by the works of his Academy Award-winning father, Ed Begley Jr. became an actor. He first came to audiences’ attention for his portrayal of Dr. Victor Ehrlich on the long-running hit television series St. Elsewhere, for which he received six Emmy nominations. Since then, Ed has moved easily among feature, television and theatre projects.

Ed co-starred in the Woody Allen movie Whatever Works with Larry David, as well as the Seth Rogan/Judd Apatow film Pineapple Express, and a number of Christopher Guest films, including A Mighty WindBest In Show and For Your Consideration.

Other feature film credits include Batman ForeverThe Accidental Tourist and The In-Laws.

On television, Ed just completed Muhammad Ali’s Greatest Fight, an HBO movie with Christopher Plummer, Danny Glover and Frank Langella. He also starred in the HBO movie Recount with Kevin Spacey, Tom Wilkinson and Laura Dern, and appeared in recurring roles on Six Feet UnderArrested Development and Boston Legal.

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