What are genetically modified seeds?
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In 1980, our US Supreme Court agreed that we can patent life. And that has allowed an entire explosion of new technologies to proliferate in the marketplace.
In 1996, the first genetically engineered crops were introduced. And the two primary traits that were introduced were (1) a trait that would inject genetically engineered insecticide into corn. This is corn for animals, not for humans. But it's not going to be long before it's for humans.
And what it does is it puts the insecticide in the kernel of the corn itself. Now they told us, and you can see testimony on tape, that this insecticide - it's known as B2, it's a bacterial insecticide. It's actually a relatively safe insecticide when used in small doses. But they told us it would never survive past our saliva to get in our bodies.
But recent studies have now shown that that toxin is actually in the cord blood of pregnant women at the moment of birth. So if you understand what I'm saying, what that means is that a baby being born to a mom who has had milk or meat from a cow that's had BT corn, is actually probably getting that insecticide in his or her tissue at birth. This clearly cannot be good for us.
The other trait that was introduced is for herbicide tolerants. And what this means is we have now bred a whole series of crops - canola, soy, and corn, and others - that can infinitely tolerate herbicides. This means a farmer can put as much herbicide down as he wants because it will compete with the weeds.
Now they also told us this would result in less herbicides being used. The problem is back before 1996, before they introduced this, farmers who would use herbicide would just use a little bit about the beginning of the season to give their seedlings, newly planted, a head start over the weeds.
But now, because the corn and crops can tolerate herbicides all season long, we're putting on herbicides all year long. And that's why we have had 100s of Ms of pounds of more herbicides being used. Again, we were told it would be less. It's been the exact opposite.
So the critical thing for us all as parents to understand - this is all very technical and it all feels very remote. But the reality is unless this stuff is on our label. And we're not looking for it to be the front of the label with a skull and a cross bone as many have accused. Unless it's in the ingredients that this does include genetically engineered corn, genetically engineered soy, genetically engineered arctic apple. There's a new salmon that's now been genetically engineered to grow faster. They've taken genes from other species. Unless we see it on the label, there's no way of us knowing.
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Gary Hirshberg
Gary Hirshberg is Chairman of Stonyfield Farm, the world’s leading organic yogurt producer, and Managing Director of Stonyfield Europe. He is also the Chairman and Founding Partner of “Just Label It, We Have the Right to Know,” the national campaign to label GE foods. Gary has received twelve honorary doctorates and numerous awards for corporate and environmental leadership including a 2012 Lifetime Achievement Award by the US EPA.
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