Tips for creating a budget

Crystal Paine, Author and Blogger of Money Saving Mom, shares advice for parents on some simple methods for starting a budget for your family's expenses
Tips for Creating A Family Budget
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Tips for creating a budget

Many people feel so overwhelmed at the thought of trying to create a budget. It's just mind boggling. Where do I start? I suggest that you start with your grocery budget. Everybody has to buy groceries. Everybody has to eat. So start with your grocery budget. Start with $20 per person, per week. If that figure sounds really low, you can raise it a little bit. Take that money and put it in an envelope, and take it with you to the grocery store. Don't bring your debit card. Don't bring your check card. Don't bring your checkbook. That cash in that envelope forces you to learn self-discipline. When the money is gone, it is gone. When you learn those skills with your grocery budget, it's so much easier to transfer those skills to a bigger budget.

Crystal Paine, Author and Blogger of Money Saving Mom, shares advice for parents on some simple methods for starting a budget for your family's expenses


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Crystal Paine

Mom, Blogger & Author

Crystal Paine is a wife, homeschool mom to three, self-proclaimed minimalist, and wannabe runner. She's the author of the bestselling book, The Money Saving Mom’s Budget and founder of, one of the top personal finance blogs on the web.

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