Records and paperwork to maintain state assistance
Dresden Shumaker, Single Mom & Blogger, shares advice for parents receiving government benefits on the necessary records and paperwork needed to maintain state help
When you start to receive your benefits, usually those benefits are good for either 4 to 6 months before somebody reuse your application to see if anything in your situation has changed, for the most part, people that are on benefit they are on it for about 9 months on average, so it’s good practice for the government to constantly be reviewing people to make sure that if they don’t need the benefit that it can be available for somebody else that needs them. One of the exceptions is if you are pregnant, they pretty much will have you covered for about the first year, so it is 9 months and the first 3 months of your child’s life, and again it can be ongoing, it’s just that there is a review process and simply what that means is they will want to see what income are you bringing in, do you have any new assets, are you getting child support suddenly or did you suddenly get an inheritance, that something in your situation changed to where you either need no assistance or do you actually need more assistance. Personally for me, one of the things that changed is when I got a job, I wasn't able to get a job for a long time because I was a new mom, I didn't have time, but then when I started to do part time work, I notified the government and let them know my situation has changed and I am able to support myself a little more. I still qualified for benefits because I was still in need but I didn't get quite as much and that was okay because I was on my feet, I was on my way to getting on my feet.
Dresden Shumaker, Single Mom & Blogger, shares advice for parents receiving government benefits on the necessary records and paperwork needed to maintain state help
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Dresden ShumakerSingle Mom & Blogger
Dresden Shumaker blogs at Creating Motherhood, a site she created in 2005 to chronicle her path to single parenthood. She was honored as a BlogHer "Voices of the Year" keynote speaker in 2012. A former Hollywood insider, Dresden now spends her days working in PR and new media for a Philly tech startup and her evenings negotiating with her three year old son about the number of toys he may bring into the bathtub. Dresden is a single mom and lives in a multigenerational home in Philadelphia.
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