Helping children form bonds
Learn about: Helping children form bonds from Julie Hale,...
Most relationships with siblings and friends are very important and it’s something that you can foster as a mom. Make sure that you plan plenty of play dates and activities where they’re interacting in a way that they create memorable experiences that they can file away, “Remember when you and I went and did this or did that?” Make sure that you also have pictures, plenty of pictures of siblings and pictures of these events and these things that they do together so they can have memories.
Learn about: Helping children form bonds from Julie Hale,...
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Julie HaleProgressive Mom
Julie Hale, LMFT, RYT, is a psychotherapist in private practice on the Westside that specializes in adolescents, divorce, co-parenting, and other familial issues. Julie is also the mother of 3 amazing, intelligent and interesting children (11,15,17) but wishes she could turn back the clock because they got too big too fast. She can be reached at
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