Best way to handle sibling rivalry

D'Lynda Kaplan, Say-It-Like-It-Is Mom, shares advice on how she successfully handles conflict between her four children in her home
Sibling Rivalry Tips | Best Ways To Help Your Kids Get Along
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Best way to handle sibling rivalry

Sibling rivalry was really hard to deal with. You hear a lot of different peoples' opinion on what you should do, like your teacher or your doctor or whoever. And I think it just came down to what was authentic with me, and I had zero tolerance for it. So that's what we decided to do. And I sat down and had a meeting with my girls and I said, "Here's the deal. There's going to be zero tolerance for bullying or being condescending to your siblings." One day I sent my daughter to her room for like four hours, she ate dinner there, she went to bed, we weren't mean, we didn't yell. We just said, "That's the deal. You're taken out of the equation if you're going to be mean to someone in your family." I think I had to do that a couple of times, mostly my older one with the younger ones, and it worked.

D'Lynda Kaplan, Say-It-Like-It-Is Mom, shares advice on how she successfully handles conflict between her four children in her home


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D'Lynda Kaplan

Say-It-Like-It-Is Mom

D’Lynda Kaplan is originally from Texas and has been living in Los Angeles for 15 years. Prior to motherhood, she worked for over a decade at Universal Music Group. She is the mother to four children all under 10 years of age - which means she has a very busy household. In fact, when it comes to hobbies, she only has time to do two things other than parenting: eat and exercise!

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