Organizing crafts and artwork

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Organizing crafts and artwork | Kids in the House
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Organizing crafts and artwork

So what do I do to eliminate clutter in my house? Well when you have 3 kids like myself, the artwork just piles up .And the programs from the different performances, and all the little special things from each child. It can get pretty cluttered. So I take one big sealed container and put each of my child’s name on it. And whenever I have something special, like a special artwork or dance program, or a special memory that is special for that child, I just put it in the container. And one day I will be able to give each child their container. The other thing I do, I take photos of the special artwork. And at the end of each year, I take all the special photos of artwork and put them together into an album. And each child gets one of the albums in their memory boxes. And if you like, you can also use this as a Christmas gift for relatives. It’s a very, very special Christmas gift that will be very appreciated.
ALL PARENTS, Family Life

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Leana Greene

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Leana Greene is the founder and CEO of Kids In The House, the world's largest parenting video library and a mother to three kids. She spent three years interviewing 500 parenting experts from all over the United States, giving her a uniquely strong grasp on the latest in parenting and the different perspectives of many experts. Leana’s goal in creating Kids in the House was to create a multi-media hub where parents everywhere could get quick, easy information from leading experts that they would otherwise be unable to access. Leana is constantly looking at the data on and has the finger on the pulse of what parents are concerned about today.

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