No mess, no stress organizational boot camp

Professional organizer Beth Zeigler describes the No Mess, No Stress Organizational Bootcamp program and how it helps people with overwhelming paperwork
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No mess, no stress organizational boot camp

No mess, no stress organizing boot camp is something that I created when I first started organizing. I was getting a lot of calls from folks overwhelmed with paperwork. And let's be honest - organizing paperwork is not the most fun thing to do. People will put it off and procrastinate. And it's no wonder because there are about 1K decisions that need to be made. So I wanted to create a way that was accessible and fun. So I created this boot camp where participants come to me. We organize in a group setting. I play music. I bring a shredder. I would do what I would do in any client situation - help people go through their paperwork and create labels. I help folks shred. Really whatever needs to be done. And we create a group of accountable and make it as fun a process as it can be to go through paperwork.
ALL PARENTS, Family Life

Professional organizer Beth Zeigler describes the No Mess, No Stress Organizational Bootcamp program and how it helps people with overwhelming paperwork


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Beth Zeigler

Professional Organizer

Beth created B•neato Professional Organizing after someone recognized her organizing talents and told her about the National Association of Professional Organizers. Ever since, she's been blogging about getting organized for well-known companies, such as Apartment Therapy and Rubbermaid. Beth's goal is to make getting organized accessible to all which is why she created No Mess No Stress Organizing Boot Camp (which is known in some circles as a work-out for your filing system). When she's not helping clients de-clutter, Beth can be found keeping her busy household in order in Silver Lake, CA.

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