Advice on how to best use your time with your kids

Samantha Ettus, MBA, combats the common working mom guilt about spending enough time with your kids.
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Advice on how to best use your time with your kids

So, over the last 20 years there has been a trend towards what I call "Face Time Parenting" Which is almost bragging that you spend 24-7 with your kids. And this has been a really awful thing for working moms because it perpetuates guilt. And at the end of the day when we look around and see how the parents were with their kids all the time without a break are with their children. They are less patient and they are less caring towards them. And it is how you are when you are with your kids non stop for 48 hours, you end up losing a little bit of patience. Because you need that time away to almost rejuvenate yourself to have energy for the next time you are with your children. And as working moms it's so important to realize that being the best parent that you can be when you are with your children is ten times better than just being with them all the time without really being present. So, I always like to tell working parents that each day you need to have a couple of hours where you turn off the technology and really are just present with your children and you make them feel like they are the only things that matter in the world. That makes you the best parent and has nothing to do with being a working mom or a stay-at-home mom. It's just being a present mom.

Samantha Ettus, MBA, combats the common working mom guilt about spending enough time with your kids.


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Samantha Ettus, MBA

Lifestyle Expert for Working Moms

Sam is the leading lifestyle and parenting expert for working women. Since earning her undergraduate and MBA degrees from Harvard, Sam has coached thousands of women - celebrities, entrepreneurs, top CEO's and professional athletes - who aim to perform at the highest levels in both their professional and personal lives.

Sam is a bestselling author of four Random House books and a Contributor to Forbes and Disney’s parenting site, Babble. She hosts a nationally syndicated radio show for working moms and the Conference for Women’s monthly radio show, “Office Hours.”

Sam hosted leading online talk show, Obsessed TV and is known for her interviewing skills. She has interviewed countless luminaries from Al Roker to Bethenny Frankel and Mary J. Blige. Sam has made hundreds of local and national TV appearances and is a sought after speaker at corporations, conferences and colleges.

Sam aims to practice what she preaches in her daily life as a mother of three and wife of entrepreneur, Mitch Jacobs. 

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