Advice on how to beat the Halloween stress

Samantha Ettus, MBA gives advice on family-friendly Halloween ideas
Family Tips: How to make the most out of Halloween
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Advice on how to beat the Halloween stress

Well, Halloween is a tricky one because it does require preparation in terms of costumes and candy buying. But it needs to be fun for the whole family. So I recommend about a month before Halloween, going on a pumpkin picking adventure. On a weekend you just plan it out in advance and it's something the whole family will look forward to. And then additionally you can even make it a separate day which is going and buying Halloween decorations or making them at home and decorating the house with them. And then buying your Halloween candy, you can do it with your kids or without. And we like to have a neighbors Halloween party. It's very low key. It's just the kids on the block. They are all invited over. I make or buy special Halloween cup cakes and give out the candy goodie bags. And its just a excuse to pizza party and its and excuse for all the kids to get together and have fun and it is Halloween themed. And then once Halloween comes it takes the pressure off a little bit because we've already been celebrating. And I always says it's best to all Trick or Treat as a family until your kids insist that they with their friends. Use that as great family time.
ALL PARENTS, Family Life, Family Time

Samantha Ettus, MBA gives advice on family-friendly Halloween ideas


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Samantha Ettus, MBA

Lifestyle Expert for Working Moms

Sam is the leading lifestyle and parenting expert for working women. Since earning her undergraduate and MBA degrees from Harvard, Sam has coached thousands of women - celebrities, entrepreneurs, top CEO's and professional athletes - who aim to perform at the highest levels in both their professional and personal lives.

Sam is a bestselling author of four Random House books and a Contributor to Forbes and Disney’s parenting site, Babble. She hosts a nationally syndicated radio show for working moms and the Conference for Women’s monthly radio show, “Office Hours.”

Sam hosted leading online talk show, Obsessed TV and is known for her interviewing skills. She has interviewed countless luminaries from Al Roker to Bethenny Frankel and Mary J. Blige. Sam has made hundreds of local and national TV appearances and is a sought after speaker at corporations, conferences and colleges.

Sam aims to practice what she preaches in her daily life as a mother of three and wife of entrepreneur, Mitch Jacobs. 

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