Meet Lynette Vertoch

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Meet Lynette Vertoch | Kids in the House
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Meet Lynette Vertoch

Hi, I'm Lynette Vertoch. I'm an entrepreneur. I have a small business up in Seattle with my husband. I have two children. I have a 16-year-old gay son and I have a 13-year-old daughter. In my free time, I like to travel, actually I love to travel. I like to cook. I love drinking wine. Most of all I love drinking wine with my family. Four of us have pretty great time together, it gets a little crazy, but it’s a lot of fun. I also have a passion for other gay children who aren’t my own. I sometimes wish I could adopt them all.
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Lynette Vertoch

Mom & Entrepreneur

Lynette Vertoch is an entrepreneur with a small company she runs with her husband in Seattle, called Cameos & Crowns. In her words, the company designs "these very cool dish towels, pillows, cosmetic bags and aprons."  She has two children, Harris, 16 and Izzy, 13. Harris is gay and Izzy is not. She is divorced from their dad and married to a wonderful man who has been their stepdad for seven years now.  She and her ex-husband and current husband all parent the kids together (even though they live in different states) and are all close as a family - they even vacation together.

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