Meet Karyn Grossman, MD

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Meet Karyn Grossman, MD | Kids in the House
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Meet Karyn Grossman, MD

Hi, my name is Dr. Karen Grossman. I'm a Board certified dermatologist with practices both in Sta. Monica, California and New York City. I am probably best known for my cosmetic work, in where I really work on striving to make women and men look both natural and refreshed. Although it seems all my patients bring their children to me as well. I have 2 children who are aged 6 and 8, one a boy and one a girl. In my free time, which I don't seem to have very much, I like to cook but we also like to travel a lot. We have a house in Utah and we love to ski. And this is probably one of the most favorite things I do with my children because it really gives us time to be outside to keep our bodies in motion and to spend great quality time together. I find out I get a lot of information from them on the chairlift. The other thing that we like to do a lot is to travel to different parts of the world because I like my children to see and experience lots of different things.
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Karyn Grossman, MD


Karyn Grossman, MD, is a board-certified dermatologist specializing in cosmetic dermatology in Santa Monica, CA and New York City. Her offices are "home" to thousands of elite patients with the highest of standards. Dr. Grossman attended a highly competitive, accelerated six-year premedical and medical program at Boston University and completed her residency and fellowship at Harvard University. Dr. Grossman has been featured in many broadcast and print media outlets to provide consumers expert information on cosmetic procedures, skin care and sun protection. Some television appearances include The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, The Today Show, The View, MSNBC, CNBC, Fox News, the Martha Stewart Show, and The Doctors. She has been listed as one of the top cosmetic surgeons by Town & Country, Vogue, C Magazine, More Magazine, The New York Times, and L.A. Confidential. 

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