Meet Jane Rose

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Meet Jane Rose

Hi, I'm Jane Rose and I have four children ranging in ages from 21 to 11. I have two sons and two daughters and we have pretty much been through just about every issue you can go through with teenagers. I live in Los Angeles, where I'm a third generation native, and I'm a co-founder of an elementary school called Seven Arrows Elementary School. And for relaxation and exercise I like to hike, I like to play paddle-tennis. But more than anything, I truly enjoy being am other and being with my children. There is nothing that fills me up more than that.
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Jane Rose

Mom & School Founder

Jane Rose is one of the co-founders of Seven Arrows Elementary School in Los Angeles, where she oversees the business office in a  K-6 school rooted in traditional academic rigor with a unique curriculum of world culture and the arts in a community where parents are partners. Seven Arrows believes academic success creates strong self-esteem, growing compassionate, inspired thinkers and ethical leaders. Prior to co-founding Seven Arrows Elementary School, Jane sold residential real estate for many years on the Westside of Los Angeles.  Jane is an avid hiker and paddle-tennis player, and  the mother of four children ages 13 to 23, and is a third generation Los Angeles native. 

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