Explaining your relationship with your ex to your kids

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Explaining your relationship with your ex to your kids | Kids in the House
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Explaining your relationship with your ex to your kids

When my kids asked me if I still loved their father, which they do often, I say, "Absolutely." Sincerely. I will always love him, he gave me the two most important people in my entire life and without him I would not have that. So I will forever be grateful to him for that. They know that I no longer romantically love their father and they're okay with that. They understand why we can't live together, they understand why we don't live in that type of family environment any more. But they also get the best of both worlds now, they have two homes, they have two functional parents, they're not living within toxicity and tension. And I always make sure to point out the positives about their father, the talents that he has, the things that he is going to pass on to them. It was very difficult newly divorced, but it has gotten much, much easier to focus on the good parts of him that my kids will get from him.

Watch Video: Explaining your relationship with your ex to your kids by Traci Cummings, ...


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Traci Cummings

Unconventional Mom

Traci Cummings is a divorced, self-described unconventional mom of two children, ages seven and five.  When she isn't preparing meals, cleaning up or playing card games with her children, she is busy trying to spread the word about babywearing.  Traci – who is a strong advocate of breastfeeding, the family bed and instinctual parenting – believes her children are the teachers providing daily lessons to further her practice as a parent.

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