Tips for dads going through a custody case
Michael Sinel, MD, Dad and Author, shares advice for divorced dads on the most important things to know when going through a custody case
What every good Dad need to know about custody battle is that the child's best interest should always be kept in mind. What judges care most about is what's best for the child and custody battles could be difficult on a child if there's a conflict. The most important thing to remember is any conflict makes the child suffer and avoiding conflict in any cost is the key. Even though you might have conflict with your spouse in the battle itself, never put it in front of the child. The judges also very much look at what parent would share better and what parent is never going to put the other parent down in front of the child. A judge generally doesn't like a change of circumstance for the parent so if a father is working full time and the mother has been raising the kid, the father shouldn't expect there to be equal sharing of time. The judge usually feels it's important to keep both parents involve in the child's life and sharing is very important for the child. However, a judge doesn't want the divorce to result to a dramatic change into the kids lifestyle.
Michael Sinel, MD, Dad and Author, shares advice for divorced dads on the most important things to know when going through a custody case
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Michael Sinel, MDDad & Assistant Clinical Professor, UCLA
Michael Sinel is an assistant clinical professor at UCLA, and author of two books. He practices Yoga and lives in Santa Monica with his family.
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