Health insurance provision during a divorce

Laura Wasser, Family Law Attorney, shares advice for parents getting a divorce on how health insurance for kids is determined during a divorce
Divorce Rights And Facts | Health Insurance Provisions
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Health insurance provision during a divorce

Health insurance for kids is one of the most important things that we look at. It will always stay in effect for both of the parents. If health insurance is available to the children through your employer, they stay on your policy. If it is on your spouse´s, they can also stay on his policy as well. If they are on neither, then one parent will be responsible for keeping the kids on a policy and that will be one component of his or her child support for those kids. If you have resistance to paying health insurance for your kids, think about the fact that if God forbid something happen to one of your kids and you did not have health insurance, you would have to pay for that and it would be much more costly. So health insurance is one of the things that we put in place right away and we keep it there.

Laura Wasser, Family Law Attorney, shares advice for parents getting a divorce on how health insurance for kids is determined during a divorce


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Laura Wasser

Family Law Attorney

Laura has been a family law practitioner for nearly 20 years. Her practice focuses on the separation and reconfiguration of families. Being a child of divorce, and having personal and professional experience in this field, she believes that she can do better for the children of today and help with an oxymoron: a “good divorce”. Laura is the author of It Doesn't Have to be That Way: How to Divorce Without Destroying Your Family or Bankrupting Yourself.

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