Dealing with a new person in your ex's life

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Dealing with a new person in your ex's life

If my ex is dating someone I feel uncomfortable having around my child, I would personally explore why I'm feeling uncomfortable. If it's because my ex-husband is dating someone new, I would definitely try to suppress that feeling of being uncomfortable, but if it's something that's affecting the relationship with my child, I would want to see what that is about. If the person has a character flaw that I'm uncomfortable with, I would probably talk to my ex first. And if it was something that was a major problem and was going to be in the future, to lead to future issues between my ex-husband and myself, or my ex-husband and my daughter, then I would want to speak with him and make sure that everything was clear, that maybe his new girlfriend and I could spend time together with our daughter and see if maybe the time spent together would actually mend the relationship. But, if there was something major going on, if I suspected she was a pedophile and I spoke to my ex-husband about it, for example, and he did nothing about it, at that point I would probably approach a lawyer. I would not give her over for weekend visits. I would make sure that there was some sort of court process going on before I felt comfortable enough to send her back to him again so that she was protected, and Michael is always to keep her emotionally and physically protect as a mother and I won't compromise.

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Michelle Mahendra

Mom & Herbalist

Michelle Mahendra is an Herbalist and the Marketing Director of a new tea import company. The divorced mother of a four year old girl, Michelle graduated from the Tai Sophia Institute in Laurel, Maryland with a Masters of Science Degree in Herbal Medicine – the highest level of education available in the United States in this specialty.

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