Managing dual household living

Alan Yellin, PhD Psychologist and Family Therapist, shares advice for divorced parents on four ways that can greatly help in managing dual household living
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Managing dual household living

Raising children in two households is a challenge. But there's many things that we can do to help with that process: (1) I tend to like something that we call "blind pick-up in drop box" so that if one parent takes a child to school, and it's their transition day, the other parent picks the child up from school. That way, the child isn't leaving one's parent's house which can often be very difficult; (2) In instances where that can't happen, and the child leaves Mom's house to go to Dad's house, the child needs some transition time, and they need some down time. Typically, parents will report to me that transition time can be a difficult time. So we want it to be low key time. We want to allow the child time to transition from one house to the next; (3) It really helps children when you will live closer together so that they have the same friends, and friends can come over to their house, etc. So if that can be worked out, that's something that's important; and (4) The attitude of the parent becomes very critical as well. That is telling the child, "Have a good time. I hope you enjoy yourself. Say, "Hi!" to Dad. Tell Mom that I said, "Hi!" All those things give the child permission to have a good time at the other parents' home.
ALL PARENTS, Divorce, Co-Parenting

Alan Yellin, PhD Psychologist and Family Therapist, shares advice for divorced parents on four ways that can greatly help in managing dual household living


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Alan Yellin, PhD


Dr. Alan Yellin is a licensed psychologist as well as licensed marriage and family therapist.  He has been in practice for over 30 years working with children, adolescents and adults. Dr. Yellin did his post-doctoral fellowship at Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles. In his practice, he sees children with learning problems, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, fears and social skills issues. Additionally, he has a sub-specialty in working with children from divorced families as well as helping parents deal more effectively with their divorce. Dr. Yellin’s practice also includes working with adolescents and adults with depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive issues as well as issues around life passages. Dr. Yellin believes that therapy works best when the client and therapist have a collaborative relationship as they explore thoughts and feelings and work towards solutions, and uses a combination of scientific data along with humor to help people achieve change. He is in a long-term happy marriage and has two grown children.

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