Advice on understanding surrogacy today

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Advice on understanding surrogacy today

Gestational surrogacy is an extremely important tool in our field, particularly if, for example, there is a problem with the uterus of an intended parent mother that wants to carry. In those situations, there may be problems that she was born with or maybe she lost her uterus because she had to have a hysterectomy or fibroids or some other disease. In those situations, a gestational surrogate is utilized. The maternal eggs are extracted. They are fertilized with the intended parent´s sperm or father´s sperm and those embryos are then placed into the surrogate who will then hold the pregnancy for its duration. Another important way that we use gestational surrogacies is in same sex couples in which an egg donor is utilized. Those eggs are then fertilized with one of the intended father´s sperm. Those embryos are then replaced into the gestational surrogate. In the past, it turns out that it was much more common to do tradiational surrogacy in which the surrogate not only provided the egg but also held the pregnancy. Because there are and have been some legal issues involving traditional surrogacies, it is not often done but it still can be done.

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Expert Bio

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David Tourgeman, MD

Infertility Specialist

 - Undergraduate: University of California, Santa Barbara.
 Medical School: University of Southern California.
 Residency: Obstetrics and Gynecology 
University of Southern California, Los Angeles County Women’s & Children’s Hospital. 
Fellowship: Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility University of Southern California, Los Angeles County Women’s & Children’s Hospital.

Board Certification 
- Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
 Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Academic Appointments
 - Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
 University of Southern California School of Medicine.

Hospital Affiliations 
- Huntington Memorial Hospital 
St. John’s Health Center.

 - Wyeth-Ayest Award of the Pacific coast Reproductive Society, April 1999. 
Serono In-Training Award for the Pacific Coast Reproductive Society, April 2000
. Ortho- Mcneil Poster Award Obstetrical and Gynecological Assembly of Southern California, February 2011.
 Serono In-Training Award for the Pacific Coast Reproductive Society, April 2001. 
Fellow Award, co-author Pacific Coast Reproductive Society, April 2001.

Professional Organizations - 
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
 American Society for Reproductive Medicine. 
Pacific Coast Reproductive Society
 Society of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility.

Areas of Research and Publication
 - Assisted reproductive technologies and oocyte donation in women of advanced
 reproductive age. 
Advanced reproductive fertility surgery. 
Alternatives for enhancing embryo implantation
. Evaluation of ovulation induction agents. 
Vaginal hormone administration.

Languages Spoken
 - English, 
French, &

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